Hello, My name is Celebrant Paul. I’m based in Essex, if you are looking for a relaxed celebrant that will work with you to create the most special day and event.
I’m a Humanist Celebrant who covers the Essex & Suffolk areas.
Is a humanist wedding right for you?
Many of us who aren’t religious are looking for a wedding that is more flexible and personal than a civil or register office ceremony.
In normal circumstances, a humanist, non-religious wedding ceremony gives you the opportunity to marry where you want, when you want, and how you want. There’s no set script: it’s too personal an occasion for that. Instead, each wedding is unique. You can set the tone that’s right for you and choose your own words and music. Our celebrants are available to help you plan your perfect wedding.
Humanist weddings are perfect for couples who would like:
A meaningful ceremony that isn’t religious
To marry outdoors or at a location that isn’t licensed for civil weddings
The flexibility to create a personal ceremony that is unique to them
To get to know the person who will be conducting their wedding
To celebrate their marriage with family and friends but without legally registering – for example, when the formalities have already been conducted abroad.
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